Free Shipping on all orders for Our Services, Products and Law Memberships, other than PayPal orders.
Free Shipping on all orders for Our Services, Products and Law Memberships, other than PayPal orders.
Signed in as:
On our journey through the waters, and transcending on the path to enlightenment, we've found all across the world, there is a natural mystic in the air and a certain peculiar group of people who fell to a lower nature of themselves by swaying off the path of truth and enlightenment to organized the construct of sweat and toil on the people.
One must know the difference between Positive Law, Common Law used under the United States Republic and Color of Law. In many cases color of Law is been used to rule the people by their ignorance of the law and tyranny. Instead of many courts exercising positive law, honest in-depth law research per case, unbias judicial decisions and ethical legal service, allowing the people to have their full preserved right to due process in all cases, people rights are being abrogated and taken away daily. People generally wait until the last minute before they start handling their legal affairs and their ignorance of the law and the procedures of law often gets then in very complex situations. Without knowledge of law and civics, how can a Free society ever have a chance to reach its full potential.
Evictions, Foreclosures, traffic tickets, child support cases were already at or near an all time high, but look how much higher they are today, than they were back in 2017. Many wonder and ask, "where are our rights in the middle of all these crisis and changes? It seems as though the world is full of even more chaos today than before.
Think about it, before the Plandemic crisis, many courts were already abrogating the peoples rights. Many people feel its much easier for the courts to usurp your rights through virtual courts via zoom. Since then, many courts in California to name one of many states across the nation started offering remote legal services and proceedings, and since then, many courts have made remote proceedings available in all case types. The courts were half open in 2020 and many people now communicate to the courts on Zoom (Child Support and other hearings). Zoom is a virtual meeting platform.
This created a vacuum and an even greater demand for Virtual Law Services and a need for our people a Virtual Law Membership. A recent study by the Court Statistics Project of the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) proved case dispositions—the final settlement or determination in a case—drops by 49 percent during trying times illustrating the challenges to court operations resulting from physical distancing requirements and a reduction in resources. This makes it harder for the people to exercise their rights in court.
American National Common Law Group (ANCLG) is here to help you protect your rights regardless of the changes in the court system. By being a Non-Profit Virtual Law Group, with a diversified group of members, many of our members and associates are spiritual in nature and seems to be governed by their principles and values, based in somewhat of a religious foundation center. With pleasure, we humbly volunteer and offer our "Services" upon your request. We aim to assist and help uplift not only Amer'ican Men, Women and Children, our Law Research, Legal Service and Law Membership is for "ALL" of fallen or befallen humanity regardless of race, creed or religion.
We must learn to Navigate among
the Waters and the See in these times!
Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice...
Finally, there is a "Virtual Law Group" that is here for the benefit of "ALL" people. American National Common Law Group's Law Services can be utilized in online or offline courts. It appears to be dark days coming as the storms are brewing and people nationwide need more affordable law services for protecting their rights and freedom. Part of our mission at American National Common Law Group (ANCLG), is to uplift all of our members through our Law Memberships, providing diligent law Research and founded solutions in our legal service.
As a close knitted roster of scholars, law firms, legal researchers, law experts, special investigators, legal coordinators, we privately uplift and assist our members both with educational and spiritual knowledge of law with thoroughly researched information and solutions regarding their case or legal situation in the Private and Public Sector. We feel so strongly about our mission, that we "Guarantee", any of our "Services" that you request.
Through your purchase/donation for our “Services”, Products or Memberships, you too can be apart of a law group that offers On Demand special research documents you'll have access to by signing up with the Copper Membership and any other Law Service, pertaining to your specific legal issues. This is the home of the “Law Membership”. Having one of our law memberships will help you protect your rights on an ongoing basis and will empower you to not only understand law but to also innerstand law from a deeper spiritual level. When you order our “Services”, Products and Memberships, you can donate/purchase with full faith and confidence in knowing your donation/purchase is refundable, minus the nominal Administration Processing Cost/Donation for each service.
American National Common Law Group is your vessel to help you and your family navigate among the waters and the see in these oppressive times! Yes, at American National Common Law Group (ANCLG), you are able to simply place your order online and generally within 3-4 business days, you'll receive your "Requested Researched Information Package" (RRIP), pertaining to specific informational and educational data, regarding your situation, that will be extremely useful to you “without” us ever giving you legal advice or practicing law (See Disclaimer). Simply put, this is a one stop shop for you getting the best fighting chance at clearing up legal situations, even for those on a budget. We are here to help the people and our members in these troubling times.
This is our Law Group's "Spiritual Nature and Mission", which centers around Love, which is the "Supreme Vibration" of the Heavens or to some it may be known as the Cosmos! It's not every day you hear law firms that are spiritual in nature. Many times a law firm's assistance and representation do not seem about love but about the money. Our Law Group is private and is designed to assist our members by providing researched information, tools and example documents that many people have taken the option to use in their legal situations on their own accord.
We have many successful testimonials where members have shared with us, the information provided to them by America National Common Law Group (ANCLG), actually helped them get their court case penalties and fees owed, dropped, the amount lessened, dismissed, property returned, falsely held prisoner released, etc. This is why we have been designed to help assist you with valuable in-depth forensic audits, research, education, private investigations and other tools you can use on a case by case basis, tailored to your situation, all while being easy and convenient for our members. all this is offered virtually! This allows our Law Group to service communities across the nation in an efficient and effective way.
To simplify matters, we offer Services that may bring you comfort!
Knowledge of the Truth In Law Shall Set You Free!
At America National Common Law Group (ANCLG) , ease of use for members and efficient processes strategies are very important to us.
We use a simple step by step formula and a Two-Step purchasing process for all members to follow when working with us in this Virtual atmosphere. Everything you purchase from our on-line store shall be construed to be one of Our Products available in one of our Law Memberships. This shall even extend to each of the "Services" we offer under the "Our Services" tab at the top of the page. All "Services" (Evictions, Foreclosures, Child Support Defense, Traffic Tickets, Probation Harassment, etc.) are considered as one of Our Products, thus, Our Products and "Our Services".
Each of "Our Services," is a product of our Law Group Law Research department, just as much as all "Documents and Forms", a product of the Copper Membership and the Gold Law Memberships are considered one of "Our Products," as well. All Products and Services called "Our Services" are located in our on-line Store and can be reach from the page you're on. However you must be a Copper Member to have access to the Private Pages and the Legal Services provide in that membership.
So when you see the terms on this website, saying 'Products and Services', you'll know it includes all the "Services" we offer under the "Our Services" tab at the top of the page, and other products, such as the Law Memberships (Standard Membership, Copper Membership and Gold Membership). All Memberships are currently accessible for a limited time only, special price!
Our Law Group is basically set up in three Major Categories:
Standard Membership
We have our Standard Membership, which as mentioned previously is currently "Free" when you purchase one of "Our Services" (Evictions, Foreclosure, Traffic Tickets, Wrongful Arrest, etc.), that is displayed in the "Our Services" drop-down window. In all of "Our Services" we will provide you with the Documents and Forms for your legal situation. that you provide to us on the "CRIS" Intake form located on each of the "Services" page, identified as 'Step 2' of the Two-Step purchasing process. You must Complete the two-step process to receive your documents and just like that you are a "Standard Membership Member". It takes less than 2 minutes.
Copper Membership
The Copper Membership should be in every house-hold in America, like a first aid kit. It has so much information pertaining to all aspects of law that what ever your legal problems is there is a considerable amount of genuine energy spent in finding remedies for our members.
In every household, there will be at least one person that needs some type of legal assistance at some point or another in their lifetime. No matter whether it's a speeding ticket, Child Support situation, Civil or Criminal matter, at some point we all know someone in our house that has or had some form of a legal matter.
The Copper Membership is here for you no matter what legal situation you encounter. What's unique and very special about our #1 Rated Law Membership in America is the information you receive, will keep you better knowledgeable of the law, when your rights are trespassed on and how to sign contracts you entered into properly. Many people don't realized almost every thing or business you do in the commerce world involve contracts (Driver License, School Registration, Mortgage, Auto purchase, Utilities, etc.). Many of those contracts, were sign without knowledgeable disclosure and without disclosure the contract you signed gave you extreme obligation to adhere to the contract, even when many of those contracts are unlawful and were not designed to adhere to established law.
Gold Membership
The Gold Membership is only by invitation only and this membership includes a private law school, taught by acting and retired Lawyers, Judges, Law School Professors, Philosophers, etc. This Law Membership goes completely in law and offers Paid-Voluntary Law School incentives when the Gold Member completes his/her assignments. This Gold Membership also consist of a several field trips in selected parts of the world for learning and to prime our Law School Members into a wider perspective of what law is and how it relates hand in hand with history.
With gratitude we thank anyone for purchasing one of "Our Services", as by the purchase, they automatically become, a "Standard Membership Member". Though, being a "Standard Membership Member DOES NOT give you access to any of the Copper Membership Private Pages nor the access to the Gold Membership Private Pages.
We find many of our members only wanted to sign up under the Copper Membership for the value and to have access to the Private Pages exclusive to the Copper Membership for a Special Price of $9.99 which is Normally 29.99. Many of our members love having access to ordering their own documents a la carte, complete with easy instructions and examples for use, when handling any of their legal situations such as a : Power of Attorney, Medical Power of Attorney for any loved one, Trust and Estate Planning documents, Report Landlord Violation for enforcement action and actually getting the relief sought, Claims against Public Officials Violation, Eviction and Tenant Rights, Foreclosures, False Imprisonment/Habeas Corpus, Probation harassment, Traffic Tickets, Child Support, Child Protection Service Harassment and Defense, in Arizona, Texas, California, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky, will complete strategic, Nationwide law Service, always available to you in our Virtual Law Group. All this access with a #1 Rated Most Sophisticated Law Group in America!
Although simple to innerstand, some members, maybe not as comfortable standing on their rights and/or fighting for their rights as of yet, so they like for our Law Group to simply provide them with the law researched documents, so they don't have to pick through them a la carte on the Copper Membership, even though there is a description of each product. Our "Standard Membership" Members like to feel the comfort of purchasing whatever "Service" they need (Step 1) and Completing the "CRIS" Intake Form (Step 2) by putting your purchase receipt Order Number on the "CRIS" Form to COMPLETE the order. This will enable us to provide you the documents pertaining to your situation to assist in bringing you remedy and relief. This is called our "Standard Membership".
If you choose the "Standard Membership", all you have to do is:
1. After visiting our website and first deciding if you want to make a
purchase for one of "Our Services", and becoming a Standard
Membership Member or instead of us picking the documents and
forms out for you, you may want to be a Copper Membership and
pick your own documents which you will have access to a la carte.
Being a "Standard Member is fantastic because all you do is follow the
Two Steps needed to complete your order ((Step 1) and (Step 2)) and the
documents will be sent to you in a timely manner. Although, keep in
mind, you will come to several Private Pages that will not have access to
until you first purchase the Copper Membership, which will give you
access to the Copper Membership, so you can create your profile
account as a Copper Membership Member.
2. By 'ordering' one of "Our Services" (Eviction, Foreclosure, Child Support,
Child Protection Service Harassment, Probation Harassment, etc.), at the
top of the page, you automatically will become a "Standard Membership
Member" with our Law Group. You will only have the pleasure of having
the "Service" that you purchased under "Our Services" tab, the
"Service(s)" you request for your legal matter(s), shall consist of special
documents researched, generated and packaged up to be digitally sent
to you by email or to your address, if payment is made by PayPal.
3. Note: It important to know that for the Completion of any order made
under the "Our Services" tab, the order can only be completed by
finishing (Step1) and (Step 2) as required on each page for the "Service"
you need.
Again, you will submit the "CRIS" Intake Form with information
pertaining to your situation on it, almost simultaneously, after first
purchasing one of the 'Services' as in (Step 1) and then complete submit
the "CRIS" Intake Form located at the bottom of the page, of each
"Our Services" pages by putting in your "RECEIPT ORDER
NUMBER" in the designated box (Step 2).
4. Give us generally 3-10 business days to process your order, depending
on the urgency.
5. When you receive the package, read over all researched info and the
example documents provide in the package.
6. If use in court matters, be sure to have your paperwork proceed you in
court matter. This means having your paperwork filed before the actual
court/hearing starts. Try not to file them at the last minute.
7. You may see a "GREEN BUTTON" at the top of each page talking about
the Copper Membership.
Important Note 1:
Important Note 2:
Reasons our Members have joined our Memberships:
Example 1:
You first heard of this site from a friend. You visited the site and then clicked "Our Services" button. You see a 'Service,' you want such as Eviction Services. Let’s say you purchase Eviction Services, under the "Our Services" tab. That purchase now makes you a "Standard Member" but not a Copper Member. Only when you sign up for the Copper Membership and created an account, are you then a Copper Membership Member.
Example 2:
You found this site from searching for legal education about how to enforce your own rights. You visit our site and read about the "Copper Membership." You want the option to access the private content that only Copper Members are privy to and have access to. You want to be able to pick your own Documents and Forms and do things more on your own, like standing up for your rights when they have been trespassed on and violated. You know with some guidance from an enormous amount of information, you have access to in our private areas, that have been reserved only for our members who have a active subscription to our Copper Membership. This type of person would want to purchase the Copper Membership.
Example 3:
You have a family member who needs remedy for wrongful arrest, so you search google and many attorneys want to charge you $20,000, plus your consulting fees of $500 or more. Being drained on just hearing the Extremely High Attorney Fees, Retainer Fees, another $12,000 just for Investigation fees for the Law Firm. All this, just to prove you're being false imprisoned, false arrested, or unlawfully detained .
So one day you looked on google again, and found our site. You read about the Habeas Corpus on our Home Page and you want remedy and relief right now for your loved one, in addition, you also want ongoing tips and education on law. This type of person will want the Copper Membership for any of their family legal and Law matters. Once a Copper Member, they can still order "Our Services" which is in the "Standard Membership." You are not obligated to get a Copper or Gold Membership first, to purchase any "Services" displayed under the "Our Services" tab. Unlike the Copper Membership, in the "Standard Membership," other than Immigration and Nationality, all "Services" under the "Our Service" tab, comes with a Money Back Guarantee, minus the Administration cost.
Example 4:
You are a person who wants to learn law or you are currently a student of law. You visit our website and notice our gold membership comes with law school access and a regular donation amount from the law group to you in exchange for you helping the law group with the knowledge you learn from the law school.
When you see this you want to get started. Now, what you’ll need to do is become a copper member and at some point you now are eligible to receive an invite to the gold membership level. The gold membership which includes private law school and a paid work opportunity is by invite only but the first perquisite is to be a copper member.
Your Virtual experience is why we want to put our best foot forward bringing you and ease of access and to bring positive law and jurisprudence to our members. Even though you can show the courts the laws they are suppose to follow in your pleadings, this doesn't mean you will automatically win in a corrupted system. However you must still stand on your square and Truth shall eventually prevail!
Not including all Public Officials and Attorney's that became an attorney, public official or judge to really help the people, we know there are many corrupt judges, magistrates, court administrators, court clerks, prosecutors, and often many law enforcement officers and attorneys are still going to do what they want do to you for their own personal gain, by violating the the laws, codes and statutes of the federal corporation, by trespassing on your constitutional rights, without fear of consequences and repercussions for their actions.
We can't make a judge or any other Public Official follow the Rule of Law because many of the Public Officials follow the Rule Of "Color of Law". We recognize many people are still ignorant and sleep to what their rights are and ignorant to what is going on in the court room or at worse, what is going on pertaining to the dismantling of the true dejure, Republican form of government, Article 4 of the United states Constitution, guarantees all state governments must operate under a Republican form of government within all local, state, federal governments, corporate municipalities, including any and all corporate court systems, right before their eyes.
So, if you requested our "Services" on this site and our "Services" did not help you in anyway, inform us with proof, you used our researched information to dismiss and/or settle your case or at least improve your situation from where it was, prior to requesting our researched "Services", including if you should choose to use our researched information from our "Services" for any Appeal process pertaining to the same case; or if you did not reasonably obtain what you initially wanted as the outcome for your situation, as stated on your Customer/Member Request Information Sheet (CRIS); if this shall ever happen to you, "WE GUARANTEE OUR SERVICES OR WE WILL RETURN ALL OF YOUR MONEY/DONATION BACK, LESS THE ADMINISTRATION CHARGE". This Administration and Processing Charge goes toward our efforts which took time and energy for us to research, package up and send out the information you requested. SEE OUR DONATIONS AND PRICING drop down tab above.
See Our Disclaimer and Terms of Use Policy in the FAQ’s section on the Home Page of this website. It is a requirement to confirm you have read the disclaimer.
Remember, one thing that never changes is the Truth! We must stay on the path of "Truth"
Ignorance of the law is No Excuse and the legal system can be very harsh to people and certain groups!
Strong minds build strong people. Strong people build strong families and strong communities that don't suffer as much or if any through hard times. Unfortunately we know "HARD TIMES" are coming to a town near you and for many people, those times are here now.
Our Money Back Guarantee (minus the Administration cost), covers all Services in the drop-down menu of the "OUR SERVICES" tab, including certain extraordinary law research documents, designed and generated for remedy and relief, as part of our legal service which located in the Copper Law Membership.
Note: You must first be a Copper Member to have access to the Private Pages!
Our Guarantee covers the following "Standard Membership" Services:
Our Guarantee covers the following "Copper Membership" Documents:
Even with the # 1 Rated, Most Sophisticated Law Membership In America, there are a few products we unfortunately do not guarantee, due to the nature and the possible complexities to the matters surrounding the product. The matters can sway back and forth a little more then usual when they reach certain offices and jurisdictions. For instance, we can't say is an public official is acting under his constitutional oath displaying bad behavior. We can't speak certain that any person and/or public official in certain jurisdictions will adhere to the law and respect their Oath and Bond. We know there are those that do respect there Oath and Bond and those who do not. The truth is in their actions. At the end of the day, we are certain all crime must pay and what happens in the dark will come to the light!
Saying that, as part of our legal service, some of the law research, documents or products, that we don't guarantee are still excellent documents with really powerful information, however sometimes the matter may be somewhat of a political or governmental based topic, such as immigration and a few other forms you can only get by being a Copper Membership Member.
Our Products NOT COVERED under the guarantee are:
Some Products Law Research Documents, in the drop-down menu displayed under
Complex Matters & Relief:
We offer Legal Service, Law Services, Law Research and Law Memberships, currently at a Special Price, for a Limited Time Only!
# 1 Rated, Most Sophisticated Law Membership in America, the "Copper Membership"
Special, Limited Price $9.99 Monthly!
Innovative Legal Service, And Valuable Law Research!
In Depth Law Research as part of this Premium law Membership provided a plethora of knowledge learning how to provide Law Service and/or Legal Service to complex matters.
"Gold Membership" Invitation Only!
Special Limited Price $129.99 Monthly!
Below, is general description and brief information regarding our, Writ of Habeas Corpus and shall not be construed to represent the federal rules of Civil Procedure nor any state rules of Civil Procedure. Below is a brief overview of what the Habeas is and the process for relief. However, for more information, and remedies to be release from any correctional facility or unlawful detainment, or false imprisonment, you must first be a Copper Membership Member to gain access.
A writ of habeas corpus (which literally means to "produce the body") is a court order demanding that a public official (jail commander, a warden), deliver an imprisoned individual to the court and show a valid reason for that person's detention. The concern here is to make sure there has not been a person put in a false imprisonment or an unlawful detention situation. The procedure provides a means for prison inmates, or others acting on their behalf, to dispute the legal basis for their confinement verse the imprisoned person showing a clear case of False Arrest, False Imprisonment, Unlawful Detention or Unlawful Imprisonment. Habeas corpus has deep roots and comes out of the common law of England.
Very often, the court will hold a hearing on the matter, during which the inmate and the government can both show evidence whether there is a lawful basis and reason for jailing the individual or living person. The court may also issue and enforce a subpoena sign order to obtain additional evidence that may be needed.
After reviewing the evidence is presented and heard and depending on what the evidence revealed, the judge may grant the inmate relief such as:
People sometimes confuse Writ of Habeas Corpus with the right of a Direct Appeal. Alleged Criminal Defendants are always entitled to appeal a conviction or sentence to a higher court, which will then review the trial judge's rulings. However, history has shown us due to injustice and prejudices, in many parts of the government, this is not always fair or in the benefit of the alleged Criminal Defendant, especially when the accumulation of money, USD, securities, is the main objective in any case.
The Writ of Habeas Corpus provides a separate avenue for challenging imprisonment, and is normally used after a Direct Appeal has failed. It often serves as a last resort for inmates who insist that a miscarriage of justice has occurred and their rights surely have been trespassed on. Statics have shown this has happened and is still is happening to many [m]inorities at the extreme, including many other low income or poverty stricken communities of various races. Many are currently suffering from false imprisonment and the numbers are growing rapidly. Sign up for or log-in to the Copper Membership for much more information, statically data, special documents for relief, regarding the "Writ of Habeas Corpus and the inmates false imprisonment. Learn how and why this is happening and get your relief. Don' live in the problem, live in the solution!
A writ of habeas corpus is not available in every situation. Because judges receive a flood of habeas corpus petitions each year, including some that inmates prepare without the assistance of a lawyer, strict procedures govern which ones are allowed to proceed. Inmates are generally barred from repetitively filing petitions about the same matter.
The cost of a Writ of Habeas Corpus is intimidating and scares people alone. You almost have to sell the farm just to help yourself, a family member and or a friend, in many cases, just to free your love one from a miscarriage of justice or malicious prosecution. Saying, that many families go seriously in depth and lose almost everything to fight for their loved ones when they know their innocent of the crime they have been convicted of. The normal cost of the Writ of Habeas Corpus with many law firms will be between $20,000-$40,000 USD. Often there are investigations and research that the law firms use to gather evidence to prove their client's innocence which may easily add an additional $15,000-$20,000. According to many law firms, they may consider it to be a lengthy investigation to prove there's been a inmate has suffered from False Arrest, False imprisonment or a Unlawful Detention.
Should it really cost you all those thousands of hard earned dollars (USD), just to tell the court the truth and show the actual facts and evidence on why you, a family member or a friend have being falsely arrested, unlawfully detained, falsely imprisoned or wrongfully incarcerated? It takes all that just to get the record straight, just so you can be released?
We at American National Common Law Group innerstand the difficulties the people are experiencing and the lack of credit-debt notes (USD) to get relief. Recognizing, there are opposing views in many court rooms across America, where lack of evidence to prove a lawful reason(s) for a person to be held in prison or incarcerated is valid, is seen so often, and likewise seeing the amount of mass incarceration of prisoners falsely imprisoned, is very disheartening, to know many of them do not have the dollars and finances to prove their innocence in their alleged criminal matter. This is why our Law Group have provide extremely affordable prices and at a special limited price for our Copper Membership members.
We rather, take less money (credit-debit notes (USD)), for our Legal Services and/or Law Services, so we can extend to our members, lower cost, so they can bring relief for themselves or their loved one and come back home. Everyone has Rights and the right to due process of the law.
When you sign up to become Copper Membership member, you will see there is no price in the America lower than our price for our Writ of Habeas Corpus which is powerful and gets straight to the point and brings forth action. It includes an extensive amount of documents and pages that you will received from us that will exceed 75 pages and depending on severity and difficulty of your situation, the diligent research special documents you will receive as a Copper Membership member, could easily exceed 100-175 pages of critical law research material, accessible to bring faster relief of your incarceration.
If you are interested in finding out more and are ready to start the process of Releasing the Person or the Prisoner immediately, sign up for Our Copper Membership today to get access to remedy, a plethora of necessary information, documents, forms and relief every member is looking to achieve from our # 1 Rated Law Membership in America!
Compare our Special limited time price for Our "Writ of Habeas Corpus," after you purchase, create your account and sign into the Copper Membership.
See Our Guarantee on "Our Services" in our "Standard Membership" and many other Products and Documents in the Copper Membership!
Have you or anyone you know been FALSE ARREST, JAILED, FALSE JAILED, FALSE IMPRISONED, UNLAWFUL IMPRISONED by your Constitutional Rights, Civil Rights and Human Rights being violated? In many cases the false arrest came from being Racially Profiled? Whatever the situation, we can help you get yourself, a family member or friend released from confinement or we'll give your money back, minus the Administration Cost!
We guarantee, that If we did not help your situation in anyway, meaning getting released from jail or prison, getting a reduction in the sentence, getting an order done for stopping illegal conditions in the facility and/or a declaration of rights made on your behalf, you have 30 days to make your claim to us if you did not get any of the above relief or we will return your money back to you within 7-14 business days.
Because the Writ of Habeas Corpus is a Copper Membership product, you must sign up for the Copper Membership (Limited Special $9.99) first, in order to purchase and gain access to the Habeas Corpus Information, Documents and Forms.
We offer Legal Services, Law Research, and Law Memberships in Phoenix, Los Angeles, Dallas, Ft Worth, San Antonio, Houston, Chicago, Atlanta, Cleveland, Indianapolis, Muncie, Evansville, Detroit, Milwaukee, Jacksonville, and all states Nationwide.
Our Law Memberships are for a limited time only!
The # 1 Rated, Most Sophisticated Law Membership in America, The "Copper Membership"...
"This should be in everyone's house, like a first aid kit"
With Forensic Law Research and Premium Legal Service, we offer
The # 1 Rated, Most Sophisticated Law Membership,
The "Copper Membership"
for a Special Limited Price $9.99 Monthly!
Our Gold Membership is our Premium Law Membership that offers and provides a Private Law School, Forensic Law Research, Case Study, and various Legal Services to the people and dives into the quantum levels of law and order without difficulty.
This membership comes with many benefits, like that of a career as thee members are paid volunteers and comes upon a pleasant journey on the path of ones own enlightenment, regarding the evolution and transcendence of All Law and the Temple of Justice.
Must be a Copper Member to sign up...
By Invitation Only!
Special Limited Price $129.99 Monthly!
Phoenix Area
Knowles Law Firm PLC
Oswalt Law Group P.C.
Sophia C. Martinez Law
BRCK Criminal Defense Attorneys
Scottsdale Area:
Best Law Firm Knowles Law Firm PLC
Santa Anna Area:
The Law Offices of Bryan R. Kazarian
Los Angeles Area:
Law Offices of Todd Melnik
Spolin Law P.C.
Barhoma Law
Law Offices Of Kenneth H. Lewis
Riverside Area:
Grech & Packerd
Trey Porter Law
Dunham & Jones
Dunham & Jones
The Goolsby Law Firm,
BRK Criminal Defense Attorney
San Antonio Area:
Paula Perez Law
Soyars & Morgan Law
Paul Morgan Law Office
Law Office of Rebecca Anne Gonzalez
Austin Area:
Michael & Associates Attorney At Law,
Tidwell Law Firm,
C Knight Law,
Cofer & Connelly
Dallas Area:
The Shapiro Law Firm,
Law Office Of J.L. Pierce,
Tidwell Law Firm,
Tim Clancy, Clancy & Clancy Attorney At Law
Houston Area:
Universal Law Group PLLC
Law Office Of Nathaniel Pitoniak
Greco Neyland PC
Law Offices Of Charles T Ganz
National Attorney Legal Community:
Lawyer Legion-
Legal Shield
Legal Zoom
Herrman & Herrman PLLC
Manuel Diaz Law Firm, PC
The Edwards Law Firm
Law Offices of Michael E. Ziton, P.C.
San Antonio Legal Service Association
Community Legal Services
Bourassa Law Group
Jackson White Attorney At Law
We provide piercing law Research and Law Service to all of our Law Membership Members nationwide, from: Arizona, Texas, California, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Virginia, Maryland, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, etc. We provide Law Service and Law Research nationwide in areas concerning: Eviction, Foreclosures, Landlord Abuse, Child Support Defense, Child Protection Service Harassment, Tenant Rights, Probation Harassment, False Arrest, False Imprisonment, Habeas Corpus, Traffic Tickets, Civil Case, Criminal Cases, Civil Rights, Human rights, Brand Name, Sports Entertainment Marketing, Brand Names and Protection of Intellectual Property, Trust/Estate, Protections, learning the difference between Legal and Lawful, Common Law Cases, Habeas Corpus, Discrimination, Employer Discrimination, Abuse of Office, Abuse of Authority, Official Oppression, Corruption, Extortion, Bribery, Collusion, Conversion, Racketeering, Human Trafficking, Child Trafficking, Nationality and Immigration Rights!
Law Research, Law Service, Legal Services, Law Membership, Credit Building, Credit Repair, Tenant Rights, Rental Disputes, Lease Agreement, Unlawful Eviction Tenant Harassment Unfair Rental Practices, Tenant Protection, Housing Discrimination, Rental Property Laws, Landlord-Tenant Eviction Process, Foreclosure Defense, Mortgage Fraud Property Repossession, Loan Modification, Child Support Defense Attorney, Child Custody Rights, Child Protection Service Harassment, Probation Harassment, Child Visitation Rights, Family Law, Criminal Defense Attorney, Miscarriage of Justice, Official Abuse, Law Enforcement Violations, False Arrest, Protective Orders, Probation Violation, Child Support, False Accusation Defense, Speeding Ticket Defense, Dui Defense, Civil Litigation, Lawsuit Representation, Constitutional Rights Freedom Of Speech Due Process, Police Misconduct, Government Corruption, Legal Ethics, Judicial Misconduct, Civil Rights Violations, Human Rights Advocacy, Legal Consultations, No Consulting Fee, Law Firm, Law Group, Legal Representation, Common Law Principles, Legal Remedies, Unlawful Imprisonment, False Imprisonment, Unlawfully Detained, Unlawful Detainer, Corruption, Writ Of Habeas Corpus, Discrimination Lawsuits, Workplace Harassment, Title 42 Civil Rights, Title 42 Fair Housing Act Violations, Government Abuse Of Power, Official Misconduct, Political Corruption Extortion Defense, Bribery Investigation, Collusion Allegations, Fraudulent Conversion, Racketeering Charges, Human Trafficking Prevention, Child Exploitation Prevention, Child Trafficking, Slavery, Peonage, Genocide, Immigration Law Advocacy Deportation Defense, Green Cards, Asylum Seekers Rights, Immigration Court Representation, Civil Liberties, Right To A Fair Trial, Prisoners Right, Whistleblower, Protection Environmental Rights, Disability Rights, Gender Equality, Workers Rights, Discrimination, Employer Discrimination, Consumer Protection, Consumer Rights, Credit Repair, Credit Dispute Letter, Education Rights, Health Care Rights, Indigenous Rights, Religious Rights, Religious Freedom Eviction, Foreclosure, Child Support, Writ Of Habeas Corpus, Texas: Dallas, San Antonio, Austin, Houston, Beaumont, California: Los Angeles, Lakewood, Long beach, Inglewood, Compton, Moreno Valley, Riverside, San Bernardino, Oakland, Sacramento, Arizona: Phoenix, Tempe, Mesa, Gilbert, Tolleson, Colorado: Denver, Colorado Springs, Aurora, Boulder City, Stapleton, Ft. Collins, Lakewood, Minnesota: Minneapolis, St. Paul, Brooklyn Park, Bloomington, Oklahoma: Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Kansas: Kansas City, Wichita Falls, Louisiana: Baton Rouge, Lafayette, New Orleans, Shreveport, Mississippi: Meridian, Hattiesburg, Jackson, South Haven, Greenville, Greenwood, Gulf Port, Alabama: Birmingham, Montgomery, Huntsville, Salem, Florida: Jacksonville, Tallahassee, Miami Gardens, Orlando, South Carolina: North Charleston, Spartanburg, Sumter, Columbia, Beaufort, North Carolina: Charlotte, Durham, Raleigh, Jacksonville, Goldsboro, Michigan: Detroit, Wayne, Oakland, Pontiac, Hamtramck, Battle Creek, Indiana: Indianapolis, Muncie, Marion, Evansville, Anderson, Ft. Wayne, Kokomo, Gary, East Chicago, Illinois: Chicago, Peoria, East St. Louis, Missouri: St. Louis, West St. Louis, Springfield, Ferguson, Jefferson City, Pine Lawn, Virginia: Newport News, Virginia Beach, Richmond, Arkansas: Little Rock, Arkansas Springs, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Ohio: Dayton, Cleveland, Columbus, Akron, Maryland, Washington D.C., New York City, Syracuse, Buffalo, Connecticut: Hartford, New Haven, Kentucky: Louisville, Lexington, Bowling Green, Henderson, Washington State: Tacoma, Seattle, Oregon: Portland Salem, Eugen, Gresham, Hillsboro
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