Our Law Group has been designed morally with a Spiritual foundation and a Religious Nature. We, as the Children of the "True" positive "Light", were sent here as the custodians of earth, and are very committed to help awaken, uplift and enlighten our Visitors-Customers-Members. Part of our mission is to enlighten our members with civics and law to a vantage point where they can help themselves, their family, friends and others in need; while keeping their Temple (body) solid, and navigating within the five principles of life, "Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice".
At your request and as a living Man or Woman Member, with passion and honor, we take pride in providing, lawful researched information for the people. This includes forensic research and putting in diligent energy and effort to study and research lawful remedies, options and solutions for our members living in today's complexity of problems, charges, fees, fines and taxes imposed on the American people in the Public. When you join one of our Memberships Plans you will have access to order and will be provide with the necessary tools to get remedy in the courts. Keep in mind the "Standard Membership" is Free and after you order a "Service" you are automatically part of our "Standard Membership".
We ultimately would like to teach you how to fish rather than to keep fishing for you. Showing you different methods of fishing and learning the foundation or the basics is important. From there, great strategies can bring about success. You will learn how to look out for certain trick words in documents and contracts that are negative to you. In addition, you will learn how to properly sign your legal documents without making you liable under an unlawful contract. You will learn how to gather, confirm and verify necessary information, laws, statutes, codes, ordinance, regulations, acts, case laws, conventions, etc. The information we research for you can always be useful and can help raise the others around your consciousness.
Being a premier, market leading law group, we innerstand there are other premier attorney's and a law firm with market-leading practices, a global perspective and strong bicentennial roots in positive jurisprudence. We innerstand there are other premier law firms, legal firms or legal groups, who employ both criminal attorneys an civil attorneys their clients look to them to bring a distinctively high degree of quality, intensity and creativity to resolve their client's (many High-End clients) legal challenges effectively and cost efficiently, they always say but in actuality you can spend easily over $20,000 USD or more for any case they [re]present you. In today's world, it is extremely difficult for many families to come up with this large amount of money and take care of their personal family living expenses at the same time.
This is why our premier, virtual law group American National Common Law Group, our premier, virtual law group provides a rich comfort of information, specially researched document and forms.
Our deep commitment, knowledge, experience and strategic approach enable us to bring clear commercial insight and delivery to every matter. We draw on the strength of our law culture, our praise to our Creator, the Most High and we draw strength structured to deliver the best of our law group to every member through true collaboration, diligent research and the timely manifestation and delivery of our product to our members.
There are thousands of lawyers that work in offices across many continents, with integrated global practices, serving clients around the world. Our law group stands even brighter in our eyes, prioritizing and developing a deep innerstanding of the business needs and legal situations of our members. We then pursue each matter with both intensity and creativity to achieve optimal results while remaining in honor.
We are committed to serving our members through principles, values and high excellence of being a righteous law group, looking to market prominence for not just our members in the Americas but worldwide.
There are many, many different law firms and legal groups practicing law in the United States of America, and globally for that matter. In fact, in many situations, it can sometimes be overwhelming for people trying to find the right law firm, legal group or the right attorney to help them with their legal needs.
Several years of being Awaken and Enlighten with this mindset will bring about positive learning, creativity, good health, growth, prosperity and positive change for people, as a whole. We service all states and this knowledge of civics, will allow our visitors, customers and members to recognize the difference between the true rights of ALL people as living breathing men and women first and secondly to know their Constitutional Rights that are preserved in the Supreme Law of the Land, the United States of America Republic's Constitution. This is supposed to be echoed within each State Constitution. It must be! We diligently listen to the facts of your situation, establish realistic expectations and then develop a sound strategy for providing you with diligent researched laws without giving you legal advice. See Disclaimer
We thank you again for visiting our website and as mentioned herein, we are a Non-Profit Common Law Group who's foundation is derived from the Devine Laws of the Heavens! Whether it be the 10 Commandments, or its ancient predecessor, the 42 Commandments of Ma'at, coming forth by day and night, up to the modern times of Common Law. It's "ALL LAW"!
Most of us already have built into our DNA, the knowledge of the difference between doing right and doing wrong. So likewise, most of us know when we are trying to live right, righteous or positive in this 'doggy dog' world, as the world connotatively is known to many. Just the same, like in our hearts, we know when we are doing wrong to someone, or we know when we are being done wrong by someone.
When disagreements arise sometimes these disagreements will come to a head or controversy. At this point, this is where Justice and Law come into effect and in some courts is usually the place where people go to settle their disagreements and seek remedies for their injuries and damages. However, like a dog and its tail, knowing History and knowing Law is very important! History brings about status, capacity, standing and authority for one to lawfully act and have the lawful right to bring about a suit and/or defense in a suit.
God-Given, personal rights held by an individual Man, Woman and Child are not bestowed by law, custom, or belief, and which cannot be taken or given away, or transferred to another person, are referred to as “inalienable rights.” The U.S. Constitution recognized that certain universal rights cannot be taken away by any legislation, as these rights are beyond the control of a government, being naturally given to every individual Man, Woman and Child at birth, and these rights are retained throughout life.
We must know the rules of the Football Field, Baseball Field, Basketball Court, Tennis Court, right? Then likewise, as the people, we must know the rules of our City's Municipal Court(s), County Court(s), District Court(s), Appeals Courts). As we speak briefly of the Pope, and as rare as his visits are, many people thought Pope Francis was here visiting the United States for the World Meetings of Families in 2015.
Though it has been said and does appear by his visit in 2015 and the actions of the Pope, the Supreme Pontiff, of the Catholic Church and the Roman Curia System (which is the arm of most governments in the world), has begun to restore order in his ecclesiastical ministerial system and he appeared to be very unhappy with many public officials around the world, with emphasis to the United States. The Pope has been alleged to have said in letter from the Popes Attorney to the "Obama Administration" called "CIVIL ORDERS", which pertained to the operations of the UNITED STATES, where the Pope called the UNITED STATES a "Rogue Nation" and there seems to be a presumption that most public officials and attorneys have totally violated their Oath and Bonds.
From this communication from the Roman Curia, it is also said he has threatened the BAR Association. Many BAR Members, through their blind corruption don't even know who their actual boss is and that is "The Pope"! The Supreme Pontiff! Where do you think all Judges and Magistrates Robes come from? Where did the Judicial Canons derive from? Who Authored the Canons? With no disrespect, they are derived from the Pope and his Vatican circle. Why do ALL Judges and Magistrates in the United States, (State, County, Parishes, Local Municipalities or Federal), have a Disciplinary Code Of Conduct based off of "Judicial Canons"?
What does canon mean in religion?
A biblical canon or canon of scripture is a set of texts (or "books") which a particular religious community regards as authoritative scripture. The English word "canon" comes from the Greek κανών, meaning "rule" or "measuring stick".(Wikipedia)
Is Canon a law?
Canon law (from Greek kanon, a 'straight measuring rod, ruler') is a set of ordinances and regulations made by ecclesiastical authority (Church leadership), for the government of a Christian organization or church and its members. (Wikipedia)
Just Think! Why do you think, Speaker of the House John Boehner resigned 14 hours after speaking to the Pope during the Pope Francis last visit to the UNITED STATES of America, in 2014? Why do you think many of the Obama Administration Public Officials started resigning and shifting jobs and positions around all of a sudden. Inside Pope Francis Motou Proprio letter in 2013, he delivered a year before his 2014 visit to the UNITED STATES, the Pope spoke directly to the Judicial Authorities of Vatican City State in Criminal Matters.
This letter was addressed to all the public officials of the Roman Curia around the world, and not just those who reside in the Vatican City State. If you look up the Roman Curia you will find that most of the world operates under this system, even the United States. Think about it. Why is the UNITED STATES Supreme Court stacked with the majority Roman Catholic Justices?
Pope Francis had ended the letter with, “I establish that this Apostolic Letter issued Motu Proprio will be promulgated by its publication in L'Osservatore Romano, entering into force on 1 September 2013.”
Even when President Donald Trump was in office, many believe he really attempting to drain the swamp as he stated he was going to do. There is a lot going on in the background in the United States government these days. Judges, Prosecutors, Law Enforcement Agents are being thrown under the bus and prosecuted for violating Oaths, Orders and laws that give them authority and funnels back to the Supreme Pontiff, the "POPE".
On 20 December 2017, President Donald Trump signed Executive Order 13818 (EO13818), “Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption.”
This Executive Order Declared “a national emergency with respect to serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world” and provided “for the imposition of sanctions on actors engaged in these malign activities.” The order also authorized the U.S. Treasury to freeze the assets of persons “who commit serious human rights abuse or engage in corruption”:
Though in much controversy, Former President Trump issued an Executive Order on December 21st, 2017, that the most American people, including many public officials have no idea about and have not been privy to know even to date.
This is currently an active Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons (Public Officials, including ALL Federal and State Judges Prosecutors, Sheriff's, Marshals Involved, in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption
When you join our Law Memberships you will get a plethora of information, and a library of powerful documents and tools that will be useful for you to be successful in the courtroom.
To our members, we have NO Consulting Fee and we offer FREE CASE EVALUATION! As a customer/member requesting services, one of our main goals is to show you how to protect your rights and know the Supreme written laws, that are designed and works strictly in the "American" people's behalf. We will never compromise our customer/members rights and liberties to any court whether it be a state corporation court or federal corporation court. You will find our actions and assistance requested by our members is somewhat contrary to the actions of many law firms that are supposed to really help protect the people's rights and interest, though their actions mainly seem to protect their own pockets and agendas. In many cases these selfish actions ultimately "Sells Out" the people or these attorney's clients.
Keep in mind, as a result many law firms and attorneys systematically are not actually holding the Public Officials accountable for their actions. They would rather keep eating good! However, there are still those Law Firms, whose foundation is built on principles and values.
Those who oppresses the people rely on the people not knowing the differences between law and color of law, or how to do diligent law research to find the solutions and remedies to their problems. As long as the people do not know what a defacto government and what a dejure government is, these oppressive from certain actors can keep the masses in the dark and these actors will continue to have control over the people through peoples incumbently and voluntarily contracting customs, that is all the people know. The words Law Services are use interchangeable with legal services and likewise, many rights have now been changed to privileges.
On “August 21, 2017 many spiritual scholars believe that was the day atonement, or a great warning from the Most High God, warning of some grave events, that will be happening for the nest several years afterward. Hence, it started with the coming of the great Covid-19 Plandemic and what some may call the start of the 7 year Tribulation. Whatever you may think, since the Plandemic crisis started in 2020, many people’s lives have changed drastically.